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Here’s my best tip ever for how to stop nail biting in adults! Stress is just a part of growing up and taking on responsibilities, which can cause for some unwanted habits.
Have you been a chronic nail-biter your whole life? Because same! No matter what I tried I couldn’t kick the habit, and trust me when I say I have tried it all!!
The older I got the more I became aware of my nails and how gross it was to bite them. Not only because of all of the nasty bacteria that live under our fingernails but also because I was starting to get SO embarrassed of having ugly nails.
I knew I had to make a change, but I had tried stopping a million times in the past. And failed every single time. This time I knew I had to make the change once and for all.
So I finally got down to business and made it my ULTIMATE goal to stop. I am proud to say that it has now been over 6 months and besides the occasional stressful time, for the most part, I have stopped biting my nails. AND I now wear them naturally with just some clear polish, and they look cute!
So here is the hack that has once and for all fixed my nail-biting problem, and if done right will also fix yours!
This Post is all about how to stop nail biting in adults
The #1 Hack To Finally Stop Nail Biting As An Adult
Before I let you in on my ultimate secret hack, there is something that needs to be prefaced. The first step to stop biting your nails is to start taking care of them. This is the real first step in making a major change.
Start by paying attention to your nails. Become aware of the fact that you bite them and that they look bad. Once you start paying attention to the way your nails look, it will be easier to break the habit of biting them. This will become even more important once you start to grow them out a bit.
Once your nails start to grow and look good, you will want to bite them less and less. Especially since you know how much work it took to grow them out. This is what keeps my nails long 6 months in. I’m proud of my nails now, and even when I want to bite them I am now able to stop myself because I know the amount of work it took to grow them out.
So, what exactly is the secret method I used to stop biting my nails? It’s DEODORANT!!
If you have ever experienced the unfortunate incident of deodorant somehow ending up in your mouth then you know just how nasty it is! It’s sour, and it lingers in your mouth for far too long. This is what I used to stop biting my nails. And it worked!
Every hour, take a Q-tip and rub some deodorant on it, and then rub it on and around your fingernails. You will be so hyper-aware of it being on your hands and you won’t want it anywhere near your mouth. You may slip a few time’s but trust me, after a couple of accidents, you will learn to stop!
It’s truly the only way that worked for me and is a great hack for how to stop nail biting in adults!
What To Do Next To Stop Nail Biting
Once you use the deodorant hack and start growing out your nails, it’s important to start taking care of them!
When I started growing out my nails I would religiously put on nail strengthening cream every few hours and using nail strengthening nail polish daily. Not only does this help strengthen your nails, it will also help you stay super aware of them.
Staying aware of your nails and focusing on making them stronger will go far in helping you regrow them and not continue to bite them.
What I used to strengthen my nails & stop biting them
Before & Afters